mums and babies circuits

Our weekly Mums and Babies classes are designed for new and current mums to return to exercise in a safe and supportive group setting.

Our Specialist pre and post-natal coach, will guide you through workouts focused on core and pelvic floor rehab, functional strength training and conditioning - all modifiable to meet individual needs.

These sessions are about helping you to embrace where you and your body are at and to enjoy progressing at a pace which suits you. Every mumma who walks through the door is given time to discuss her journey and any concerns before classes start, but if you have questions ahead of joining, please do get in touch.

Our coaches are also highly qualified at baby snuggles and this service is included in your booking.

Mats & toys provided but feel free to bring your own if you prefer

Expect some serious girl power, throwback, 00's playlists to keep you energised

Mums and Babies Yoga Herne Hill


This is a specialist class designed for new Mums who want to practise yoga safely after giving birth. Like all our Mums and Babies classes you can bring your baby with you so you don't have to worry about childcare. Hopefully this will make for a lovely relaxing environment for both Mum & Baby!



Another one to bring the baby too! One of the key things to focus on after birth is your core and re-engaging this in the right way.

As well as helping correct bad habits, it compliments all other types of exercise. Through postural realignment and increasing core strength, it can be invaluable for back problems, weak bladders, and general toning. Many find it a type of exercise that allows both mental and physical relaxation.

We understand that each Mum's body is different and birth will have affected everyone differently so our specialist teachers will take time to understand each individual and work with their body. They will also act as a baby bouncer and cuddler whilst you are perfecting your roll downs!