Pilates (everyday)

Pilates is a form of exercise, developed by Joseph Pilates in the early 20th century. It emphasizes the balanced development of the body through core strength and flexibility. Pilates teaches body awareness which helps create efficient and graceful movement in everyday life.

In our Pilates classes, all abilities are welcome and our teachers will make sure that whether you are just starting out or a pilates regular you will be challenged, taught and helped.

As well as helping correct bad habits, it compliments all other types of exercise. Through postural realignment and increasing core strength, it can be invaluable for back problems, weak bladders, and general toning. Many find it a type of exercise that allows both mental and physical relaxation.


Pilates Sculpt (Wednesday 6.30pm)

Think a normal Pilates class but ramped up. Using equipment, your body and fundamental Pilates techniques this class is aimed at getting the heart rate up and the sweat dripping! 


Pilates Stretch (Friday 9.45am) 

This is similar to our normal Pilates class but will have a greater focus on getting length and flexibility into your bodies. Think great Pilates workout but with a more stretching focus. 


Pilates Fusion (Thurs 6.15pm & Sat 9am) 

Strongly focused on the Pilates principle of “centering” (all movements begin with the core for stabilisation of the body ) and integrated movement, this class uses exercises inspired from dance,

classical pilates, yoga and calisthenics. This class is a more challenging pace to our normal Pilates.

It includes exercises that involve multiple muscles, joints and brain functions at the same time. Improving stability, mobility, strength, cardiovascular fitness, brain

function, mind-muscle connection, flow, and spatial awareness while reducing stress and risk of injury. 

The greater the knowledge we have of our own body to improve daily performance, the greater our physical and psychological well-being will be.